Experimental Nanophotonics Group
Welcome to Xianzhong Chen's research group
Welcome to our group
The group led by Xianzhong Chen is dedicated to the fundamental physics of optical metasurfaces and ultrathin optical devices for imaging, defence, display and information processing. Current research interests include metalenses, holograms, structured light beams, 3D polarization manipulation, polarimetric imaging and edge imaging. Our research has enabled the discovery of new phenomena and the development of new prototype devices, which might be essential for future technologies. We have built connections with local industry, including STMicroelectronics, Renishaw and Ceres Holographics. We are looking for new links with relevant researchers and industrial end-users to expand our knowledge of the application domain. We hope you can find something interesting and visit us again.
Large-Scale and Low-Cost Nanofabrication
Click here for more details about our Nanofabrication Facility.
META23 in Paris, France
18 - 21, July
Meta23: META, the international conference series on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics features the latest developments in the area of Metamaterials and Nanophotonics.
The 44rd PIERS in Prague, Czech Republic
03 - 06, July
PIERS: PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in the scientific theories and experiments and the technologies of electromagnetics and photonics.
UK Metamaterials Network Conference 2023 in Dorking, UK
11 - 15, June 2023
UKMNC: The UK Metamaterials Network Conference 2023 will focus on exploring how metamaterials research and innovation may be able to address big societal challenges such as Health, Space/Aviation, and Sustainability. We will also introduce pathways into commercialising metamaterials research: how to translate research ideas into business.
MRS Meeting (virtual)
6 - 8,
December 2021
MRS Meetings serve as an international stage for the examination and dissemination of current and emerging materials research. At the heart of the meetings portfolio are the MRS Spring and Fall Meetings.
Symposium EQ08-New Frontiers in the Design, Fabrication and Applications of Metamaterials and Metasurfaces
The 45rd PIERS in Chengdu, CHINA
21 - 25, April 2024
PIERS: PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, provides an international forum for reporting progress and recent advances in the scientific theories and experiments and the technologies of electromagnetics and photonics.
METAMEET2022 in Dubai, UAE
28 - 30,
March 2022
METAMEET2022: International Meet on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics shares an insight into the recent research and cutting edge technologies, which gains immense interest with the colossal and exuberant presence of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities.
PlasmoMat-2022 in London, UK
23 - 25,
May 2022
PlasmoMat-2022: Metamaterials and Plasmonics World Forum. The aim of the PlasmoMat-2022 is to promote quality research and real-world impact in an atmosphere of true international cooperation between scientists and engineers by bringing together again the world-class researchers, International Communities and Industrial heads to discuss the latest developments and innovations in the fields of Materials and Plasmonics.
Wavelength to Colour Relationship
by Academo
A simple tool to convert a wavelength in nm to an RGB, hexadecimal or HSL colour. This demo was utilised in the paper Teaching Beer’s Law and Absorption Spectrophotometry with a Smart Phone: A Substantially Simplified Protocol by Thomas S. Kuntzleman and Erik C. Jacobson.